Thursday, February 11, 2010

Reese on Stacks - it's Official!

Reese Forbes is my unofficial "claim to fame". I met Reese when I started skateboarding some 20 odd years ago. One of my friends had come by with this little kid with crazy blond hair. He had a pretty ragged board and super small, worn down wheels (this was just a little before small wheels were in!). We skated a bunch of times together in and about the neighborhood and he was one of the first people I ever photographed skateboarding. He was so sick! To this day I wish I had skated as much as he did, who knows, maybe I could have gone pro too (I doubt it, but once you have a dream - that first one never goes away . . .).

Every once in a while I will run into him, I believe the last time was at the Mike O'Meally photo exhibit opening in NYC a few years back. He came in with one of my all time favorite pro's of the 80's, Natas Kaupas - I was just in awe! I truly admire the career Reese has had and that he is still going strong. Although we really don't keep in touch, I'm glad that when I do run into him from time to time, he still calls me his friend - Thanks Reese! Best of luck, I'll be here supporting you! -m

Monday, February 8, 2010

Thursday, January 28, 2010